Located just outside beautiful downtown Loveland, Ohio, the facility at Underhill Farm features:
Spacious 12'6" x 12'6" Matted Box Stalls with Dutch Windows
Giant Grass Paddocks
All Weather Turnout
Four Board Wood Fencing
Farm is fully fenced and gated
Bright and airy 180' x 70' Indoor Arena lined with windows
Heated Indoor Washrack
Staff on-site
Underhill Farm makes horses' care and well-being their highest priority. All horse care is managed and overseen by Lauren and Christopher Underhill who are hands on and take great pride in horses that are both mentally and physically well. Christopher and Lauren recognize that no two horses are the same, and so all horses are treated as individuals with regard to their feed, supplements, turnout, training, etc. needs.
Stalls are cleaned at least twice daily, hay is fed 4 times daily, and grain is fed 2-4 times daily. Horses are bedded on wood shavings and water buckets dumped daily and refilled 2-3 times per day.
Weather permitting, horses go out in turnout 7 days a week for hours at a time. Underhill Farm has a variety of sizes of grass pastures and two all weather turnouts to meet the needs of all horses.

Pasture Board

Underhill Farm has a limited number of spaces for Pasture Board. Horses on pasture board live out full time with access to a spacious run-in and are supervised daily by Underhill Farm staff.